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Sunday 4 September 2011

An Introduction

I love exploitation films. Recently, I've started getting into watching shitty slasher films and have really, really begun to enjoy them. I know they're unbelievable retarded and INCREDIBLY formulaic, but good God are they funny. And who can argue with a film that has blood, hot naked women and a bouncing electro sound track? So in this section of my blog spot, I've decided to write my own reviews of exploitation films, mainly slasher films, but also branching out into martial arts exploitation, spyploitation, spaghetti westerns and of course, everyone's favorite, NUNSPLOITATION! But as I said, we're starting with slasher films and in a day or two I will post my first review of Chopping Mall, a film so good it could be considered a work of art. I hope you all will join me for it.